WECON Technology CO., LTD.
The LX3V-4TC expansion module amplifies the signal from four thermocouple sensors (Type K or J)
and converts the data into 12 bit reading’s stored in the main unit. Both Centigrade (°C) and
Fahrenheit (°F) can be read.
Reading resolution is 0.2°C/0.72°F of Type K and 0.3°C/0.54°F of Type J.
All data transfers and parameter settings are adjusted via software control of the LX3V-4TC; by use
of the TO/FROM applied instructions in the PLC.
LX3V-4TC consumes 5V voltage from LX3V main unit or active extension unit, 90mA current of
power supply. Thermocouples with the following specifications can be used: Type K, Type J.
External dimensions
①Extension cable and connector
②Com LED: Light when communicating
③Power LED: Light when connect to 24V
④State LED: Light when normal condition
⑤Module name
⑥Analog signal output terminal
⑦Extension module interface
⑧DIN rail mounting slot
⑨DIN rail hook
⑩Mounting holes (φ4.5)
Using crimp terminations