WECON Technology CO., LTD.
Lit: LX3V-4TC is OK; 24V DC power source is OK.
Otherwise: Possible 24VDC power failure, if OK possible LX3V-4TC failure.
Check the status of the “A/D” LED (top right corner of the LX3V-4TC).
Lit: A/D conversion is proceeding normally.
Otherwise: Check buffer memory #29 (error status). If any bits (b2 and b3) are ON, then this is
why the A/D LED is OFF.
7.3 Checking special function block numbers
Other special units of blocks that use FROM/TO commands, such as analog input blocks, analog
output blocks and high-speed counter blocks, can be directly connected to the base unit of the LX3V
programmable controller or to the right side of other extension blocks or units. Each special block is
consecutively numbered from 0 to 15 beginning from the one closest to the base unit. A maximum
of 16 special blocks can be connected.
EMC considerations
Electromagnetic compatibility or EMC must be considered before using the LX3V-4TC.
WECON recommends that the thermocouple sensors used, should be fitted with a form of seild
or screening as protection against EMC noise.
If some form of cable protection is used, the “Shield” must be terminated at the terminals as
shown in chapter 3.
Because of the delicate nature of all analog signals, failure to take good EMC precautions could
lead to EMC noise induced errors; up to ±10% of actual values. This is an absolute worst case
figure, users who do take good precautions can expect operation within normal tolerances.
EMC considerations should include selection of good quality cables, good routing of those