Obtaining Pagers for Your Paging System
You can use a wide variety of paging receiver types with
WaveWare Paging System
s, including tone/vibe,
numeric, alphanumeric, and wireless message centers.
You can obtain WaveWare compatible paging receivers from many sources, including Motorola, NEC, Panasonic,
and others. The paging receivers that you obtain for use with the
WaveWare Paging System
s should meet the
following basic specifications:
- All paging receivers used with the
WaveWare Paging System
must be of the same
frequency and must match the frequency of the paging system transmitter. See the label on the WaveWare
Transmitter Unit to identify the operating frequency of your paging system.
- All paging receivers used with the
WaveWare Paging System
must be POCSAG compatible.
POCSAG is the paging protocol most frequently used in the paging industry.
Pager Type
- You can mix different paging receiver types in a WaveWare installation. You can obtain the
following paging receiver types for use with the
WaveWare Paging System
Tone/vibe only, with or without multiple tone/vibrate cadence features.
WaveWare Paging System
support pagers with multiple tone/vibrate features. WaveWare Tone/Vibe Pagers have two capcodes
and have multiple tone/vibrate features.
WaveWare Wireless Message Centers (allow group message notification on scrolling multicolor LED
displays, using
WaveWare Paging System
s to communicate to the message centers)
Paging Data Rate
- You can mix different paging data rates (baud rates) in a WaveWare installation. The
data rate of the paging receivers can be your choice of 512, 1200, or 2400 bps (bits per second).
- Each paging receiver used in a
WaveWare Paging System
installation must have one or more
capcodes (addresses) programmed into it. Each paging receiver used with a particular WaveWare
installation, regardless of paging receiver type, must have a unique capcode programmed into it, in order to
be able to transmit messages to that individual paging receiver. Contact your paging systems dealer for
capcode assignment information.