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WX-501-0534 • 01.22
Baud Rate
Allows you to change the baud rate at which the device connects to the sensor.
Flow Control
Is used for configuring hardware handshaking. This option is currently not available.
Allows you to set parity error checking.
Stop Bits
Allows you to set the number of stop bits.
Data Bits
Shows you the number of data bits being sent. This option currently cannot be changed.
Active Port
Indicates on which port you are communicating with the sensor. This option cannot be changed.
Indicates the latency between the sensor and the Click device. This option cannot be changed.
System > Autobaud
tab allows you to configure how the device autobauds (see the figure and table below).
Allows you to set the command sent from the device during the autobaud process. Don’t
change these values unless instructed to by Wavetronix Technical Services.
Shows the response the device is expecting from the above command. Don’t change these
values unless instructed to by Wavetronix Technical Services.
SmartSensor ID
Shows the ID number of the sensor with which the Click device is currently communicating.
This only shows the number after you have autobauded the Click device; when the Click
device is not communicating with a sensor, this option will display a 0.
Allows you to set whether the device is a server or client in a point to multipoint setup. (This
option is not related to device autobauding.)
900 MHz > Config 1
tab allows you to change the RF channel and delivery settings (see the figure and table below).