3.7 Other Meters and Controls
Makeup Gain
The Makeup Gain control is used to compensate for the gain reduction introduced by the multiple dynamic tools.
Make sure you don't clip the Output meter when boosting Makeup Gain.
Range: -18 to 18 db
Default: 0 db
Combined Gain Reduction Meter
The Combined Gain Reduction
Meter shows in one unified view
the gain reduction introduced by
the Leveler, the Compressor,
and the Limiter.
This meter does not reflect the
gain reduction introduced by the
DeEsser and the Gate.
Output Meter
The Output meter shows the final
output level produced by eMo-D5
You see a single meter for the Mono
component, two meters (Left and
Right) for the Stereo component.
The Output meter features the Peak
Led as well.