3.4 Leveler Section
A leveler is used to maintain constant levels over long segments of audio. Essentially, a leveler is a compressor set to very long attack
and release times. A leveler can also be viewed as an RMS compressor. The leveler smoothly and transparently gain-rides any signal
that exceeds its threshold, bringing it back down as close as possible to the desired target level (the threshold).
LVL: Turns on or bypasses the Leveler section.
Range: On, Off
Default: Off
THRESHOLD: Sets both the threshold above which leveling is applied and the target to
which the audio
signal is leveled.
Range: -48 to 0 db
Default: 0 db
RANGE: Sets the range of the Leveler’s processing.
Range: 0 to 48 db
Default: 6 db