3.3 Compressor Section
COMP: Turns on or bypasses the Compressor section.
Range: On, Off
Default: Off
KNEE: Sets how aggressively the Compressor reacts to the signal.
Default: NORMAL
THRESHOLD: Sets the Compressor’s engagement level.
Range: -48 to 0 db
Default: 0 db
RATIO: Determines how hard the signal is compressed.
Range: 1 to 20
Default: 3
ATTACK: Determines how quickly the Compressor reacts to a signal.
Range: 0.5 to 300 ms
Default: 7 ms
RELEASE: Determines how fast the Compressor reduces processing after the signal falls
below the Threshold. When in Manual mode, the release time is set by the Release Value.
When in Auto mode, the release time adjusts automatically within the range set by the
Release Value.
Release modes: AUTO, MANUAL
Default: MANUAL
Release time range: 1 to 3000 ms
Default: 220 ms