Using the Radio Manager
5000 Mobile Terminal Product Guide (5000-REV2.21)
Chapter 5-38
Pressing the F4 key will toggle the text cursor between the dialogue box and the Radio window screen.
The text cursor must be removed from the dialogue box before using the F3 key to remove the dialogue
Pressing the F8 key will start (or stop) the site survey test.
2.4 GHz (Aironet) Radio Site Surveys
Site survey facilities described above are not available with 2.4 GHz (Aironet) radio systems. The
Aironet 2.4 GHz radio system is an IP based radio network and must use IP based utilities. One such
utility, recommended for site survey use is the PING utility.
To use the PING utility, use the following steps:
1) Turn on the internal barcode reader in the Program Manager Menu system. If an internal
barcode reader is already installed, then this step is not necessary. Save the parameters and
reboot the terminal.
2) Switch to the CONSOLE task (automatically starts when the internal barcode reader is
3) Use the DNS task to set a DNS Name for the test IP ( > dns set host <Name> <IP Number>.
Note that the
4) Type “>ping <Name>” and ENTER to start the PING test. Note the <Name> is case
Following is an example of a PING test:
>tcp ip addr en0
tcp>en0 IP Address is
>dns set host AP15
>dns save
dns>Host table saved (0)
dns>Port table saved (0)
>ping -c10 AP15
ping>PING AP15: 64 data bytes
ping>72 bytes from AP15: icmp_seq=0. time=50. ms
ping>72 bytes from AP15: icmp_seq=1. time=40. ms
ping>72 bytes from AP15: icmp_seq=2. time=40. ms
ping>72 bytes from AP15: icmp_seq=3. time=40. ms
ping>72 bytes from AP15: icmp_seq=4. time=40. ms
ping>72 bytes from AP15: icmp_seq=5. time=40. ms
ping>72 bytes from AP15: icmp_seq=6. time=40. ms
ping>72 bytes from AP15: icmp_seq=7. time=40. ms
ping>72 bytes from AP15: icmp_seq=8. time=40. ms
ping>72 bytes from AP15: icmp_seq=9. time=40. ms
ping>----AP15 PING Statistics----
ping>10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss
ping>round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 40/41/50