Appendix B – SDK NCL-API and Port Server_____________________ Boomer-III User Manual & Integrator’s Guide
Copyright Wavenet Technology © October 2003
Appendix B – SDK NCL-API and Port Server
The Native Control Language Application Programmer's Interface
(NCL API) is the client component of the SDK. The NCL API
provides routines for sending and receiving data messages through the
DataTAC wireless network, using a radio packet modem (RPM). It also
allows the client application to control configuration parameters of the
RPM and to retrieve status information from the RPM.
The NCL API is implemented as a DLL library of written in C++ for
windows using Microsoft~ Visual C++ Version 6.0.
The NCL API communicates with PC or Pocket PC applications based
on the following model. The NCL API is supplied as a Virtual Device
Driver (VDD) for a PC (Win 98 or better) or a Pocket PC (Win CE
Version 3.0 or better). Multiple applications can access the RPM via
NCL encoded messages.
Layer 1 (Physical)
Layer 2 (Data)
)))Li k)
Layer 3 (Network)
Level 4 (Transport )
Layer 6 (Presentation)
Serial Port to modem
Message Router & NCL Interpreter
Serial Port Drivers
TX Queue
Layer 5 (Session)
Wavenet NCL API Model
Logical Architecture
The following table lists the required functionality for the API per
layer. The code forms a DLL, with only a subset of functions available
for third party developers.