2 A
5 A
10 V
5 A
10 A
15 V
Low-noise laser current, as low as 7 μA or 16 μA
(100 kHz RMS)
• Temperature stability better than 0.0009ºC with thermistor
• Safety features protect your research
Adjustable current limits, with Brick-Wall Never-Exceed
Load failure protection
Temperature limits on the load
Current/voltage limits for both TEC and laser
Automatic laser shutdown upon TEC error available
• Constant Current (Laser) or Constant Power (Photodiode
Current) modes
Three photodiode ranges available: 0.5, 5, or 10 mA
Available photodiode bias voltage
Operates all laser diode/photodiode configurations
• Compatible with a variety of temperature sensors
Thermistors and two-wire RTDs
Linear voltage and current sensors
• Continuous Wave (CW) or Quasi-Continuous Wave (QCW)
• Also capable of driving LEDs
• Modulation bandwidth 450kHz with external BNC input
• Laser Diode voltage/current measurements
• TEC voltage/current measurements
• IntelliTune sets ideal PID control parameters for optimal time to
temperature or fast disturbance rejection
• Complete TMC command set for remote control from computer
Virtual Instrument, USB interface
Field upgradeable firmware
• Touchscreen with intuitive user interface
• Data collection using a computer
• Sophisticated error handling
Save and recall functions for specific set ups
• Feature-rich for research projects
LabVIEW is a trademark of National Instruments.
The LDTC LAB series instruments combine best-in-class low
noise, high-end digital control laser diode driver technology
with an IntelliTune
smart temperature controller. If you need
stable wavelength, stable temperature (better than 0.0009ºC
with thermistors), stable laser diode current or power, or low
noise (RMS laser driver noise as low as 7 µA), these offer the
best performance and value.
The touch-screen interface makes operation intuitive and
simple. A LabVIEW
virtual instrument, remote command
set, and USB interface allow integration into an instrument
Safety features protect the thermoelectric cooler (TEC) and
the laser. Over- and under-temperature limits, positive and
negative (where applicable) current limits, and voltage limits
can be set. If the sensor signal is lost or a short is detected
at the TEC, output current is disabled. Passive and active
interlocks are available for safety of equipment and user. You
can link laser diode current to safe and stable thermoelectric
Operation in Constant Current (CC) or Constant Power (CP)
mode changes with the touch of a button. A wide variety of
sensors work in the temperature control feedback loop.
Wavelength’s proprietary IntelliTune algorithm characterizes
the TEC/sensor system’s response to the controller and
determines the optimal PID control coefficients.
It then
automatically adjusts the PID control values as setpoint,
tuning mode, or bias current change.
Run IntelliTune easily just off ambient and watch it change PID
settings for a much higher or lower setpoint. After a single scan,
explore either optimized Setpoint Response or Disturbance
Rejection performance with your load to see which works
best. Add or remove the D term to see if noise is an issue.
IntelliTune lets you skip the manual characterization, and it’s
smart enough to really work—very little adjustment is needed
after you have stored a successful characterization scan. See
Application Note
AN-TC13: IntelliTune® vs. Conventional
for an in-depth exploration.
The ultra-stable temperature controller/laser driver instruments
are particularly reliable for diverse fields such as medical,
defense, communications and manufacturing. Applications
include particle and droplet measurement, communications,
manufacturing test, and medical systems. Additionally, our
products are designed for use with electro-optical systems,
airborne instrumentation, spectroscopic monitors, and
medical diagnostic equipment.