Temperature Scan Start/Stop:
Click this button to start or
stop a scan. A file path must be specified before running a
scan. When the button is lit, the scan is running. The button
becomes unlit when the scan is complete. To stop a scan in
progress, click the button again. The scan records actual and
setpoint temperature over time.
Temperature Scan File Path:
Type the file path to the location
where the data is to be stored. Click the folder icon to browse
for a location. A file name must be provided before a scan can
be run.
Temperature Scan File Header:
In the
Temperature Scan
File Header
control, type the heading that appears at the
top of a new scan data file. If you are appending data to an
existing file, the header name will not be changed in the file
regardless of whether this control field has been changed.
Temperature Scan Graph:
Plot of actual temperature,
temperature setpoint vs. time. This data is logged to the file
specified in the file path selected below when the
Scan Start/Stop
button is pressed.
Temperature Scan
tab allows plotting and saving of temperature (actual and set) as a function of time, over a range of
temperatures defined in the controls of this tab.
Note that while the functionality of the Temperature Scan in the VI is the same as that on the front panel of the instrument, the
commands to carry this scan out are different. For the remote temperature scan, the temperature iterations are done within
the VI, and as such, no data will be logged to a flash drive, if inserted. The data will be saved to the appropriate file directory,
as specified below.
Figure 12. Temperature Scan Tab
Start Temperature:
In the
Start Temperature
control, type
the temperature, in degrees Celsius, at which to start the
temperature scan. The range is determined by the minimum
and maximum temperature limits configured on the
& Monitors
Stop Temperature:
In the
Stop Temperature
control, type
the temperature, in degrees Celsius, at which to stop the
temperature scan. The range is determined by the minimum
and maximum temperature limits configured on the
& Monitors
Step Size:
In the
Step Size
control, enter the magnitude of
each step in the temperature scan in degrees Celsius. The
step size and step duration will determine the length of the
scan. The minimum step size must be non-zero. A negative
value will result in a scan with decreasing temperature.
Step Duration:
In the
Step Duration
control, enter the time
delay between steps in seconds. If a value of 0 is entered,
STABLE Scanning
indicator will be lit and the temperature
will be allowed to stabilize at the setpoint before the setpoint
is incremented and the data is logged. Stabilization is based
on the tolerance parameters on the Additional Setup tab. If
STABLE Scanning
is not used, the range is 1 to 50 seconds.
STABLE Scanning:
If the
Step Duration
control is set to 0,
the LED will be lit, indicating STABLE Scanning. If it is set to a
non-zero value, this LED will remain unlit.