TnP Prime
User Manual
Changing RCD Type:
Depending on the RCD, the RCD type needs to be selected from the options menu. These options change the
pass / fail values when performing RCD tests. Please make sure that you have the correct RCD type selected.
F1 - Sets RCD Type to Type 1
F2 - Sets RCD Type to Type 2
You will be promoted to enable or disable Portable RCD (PRCD) testing - unless you are testing a switchboard
RCD, turn PRCD on.
Conducting the Ramp Test
1. Complete a Visual Inspection. For details refer to the First Test section. If the device passed the Visual
Inspection, continue with the following instructions, if not, refer to the First Test section.
2. Navigate to Main Menu B, and press F3 to enter the RCD Menu, then press F2 to select Ramp Test
3. Press F2 to select your RCD Type, and turn Portable RCD testing on or off
4. Press F3 to begin the test - the TnP Prime will increase the current to the RCD until it trips, displaying the
current on screen.
5. TnP Prime testers will switch to battery power (if charged) and stay on, but will need to be Mains Powered
again to conduct further RCD tests.
6. You can now print your tag and record your results.
Meter Mode®
Meter Mode Features
Electrical parameters are displayed as Volts, Amps, Watts, and Volt / Amps. These electrical parameters will
be displayed on the Testers main screen display. Select from the 4 Test available in Meter Mode. Meter Mode
Measures and displays volts in AC, Current in Amps, Power Measurement in Watts and VA in Volt/AMPS
Typical Applications
• Measuring the Power of a bar heater, or electric power drill
• Check appliance ratings and compare them to that on the compliance plate
• Quick test of Power outlet Voltages in rooms or locations split from multiple circuits.
How to use Meter Mode
1. Conduct a visual inspection, and inspect the compliance plate to determine the expected results
2. Plug in the appliance to the appliance test socket on your TnP Prime.
3. Ensure the appliance is safely located and secured, as it will be powered during this test.
4. Press and Hold F3 to enter Meter Mode
5. When ready, press F3 to begin Meter Mode, then press F3 to power the appliance.
6. Press F3 to scroll through the options (Volts, Amps, Watts & Volt/Amps in that order)
7. To end Meter Mode, simply press Enter, then to leave Meter Mode and return to the Menu, press Enter
again. The TnP Prime will stay in Meter Mode when powered off
Explanation of Electrical Parameters
A volt is the unit used to measure the energy available in the electrical current of a circuit. Voltage controls the available electrical
power (wattage).