CM52 Integrators’ Manual
CM52 Integrators’ Manual
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This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.
Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable
Introduction to the Integrator’s Manual
This manual is for use as a guide to the setup, installation, and use of the CM52 Wireless CPU
your application. The Wireless CPU
may be tested using the developer’s board, which is supplied
together with all the necessary tools in the Developer’s Kit.
How to Read the Manual
This manual is divided into six chapters:
Chapter 1 gives a general view of the integrator’s manual. A list of related documents as well as a
list of abbreviations used throughout the manual is also included. Information concerning service
and support is also presented.
Chapter 2 focuses on helping the hardware developer to integrate the CM52 hardware into their
application. An overview of the mechanical and electrical information is provided. Interface
specifications, RF output power, and power supply issues are included in this chapter.
Chapter 3 contains information on recommended circuitry needed to ensure proper performance
from the CM52 Wireless CPU
Chapter 4 describes several of the common cellular functions available with the CM52.
Chapter 5 provides some hints for integrating the Wireless CPU
Chapter 6 provides a summary of the technical data for the CM52 Wireless CPU®.
Service and Support
Web Pages
Visit our Web site for more information about where you can buy our products or for
recommendations for accessories and components. The address is:
To register for product news and announcements or for product questions, work with your usual
Wavecom contact.