2005 D
EEPROM Read Error
The control was unable to read the
installers settings from its memory. The
control was forced to load the factory
defaults for all settings. The control will
stop operation until all of the settings in
the Adjust menu have been checked.
Outdoor Sensor Short Circuit
A short circuit has been detected in the
outdoor sensor. The control assumes
an outdoor temperature of 32°F (0°C)
and continues operation. To clear this
error message, correct the short circuit
and press any button on the control.
Outdoor Sensor Open Circuit
An open circuit has been detected in the
outdoor sensor. The control assumes
an outdoor temperature of 32°F (0°C)
and continues operation. To clear this
error message, correct the open circuit
and press any button on the control.
Mixing Supply Sensor Short Circuit
A short circuit has been detected in
the mixing supply sensor. The control
continues to operate the injection pump
at a low speed (17 - 18%) as long as a
demand is present. To clear this error
message, correct the short circuit and
press any button on the control.
Mixing Supply Sensor Open Circuit
An open circuit has been detected in
the mixing supply sensor. The control
continues to operate the injection pump
at a low speed (17 - 18%) as long as a
demand is present. To clear this error
message, correct the open circuit and
press any button on the control.
Error Messages
Replacing Cartridge Assembly
1. Disconnect the electrical supply.
2. Reduce system pressure to 0 psi and allow system to return to room temperature. Isolate the Mixing Station 704 by closing the
service valves or draining the system.
3. Remove the body bolts and swing motor assembly away from the body.
4. Pull cartridge out of the motor housing.
5. Install replacement cartridge, making sure that the cover plate is between the cartridge fl ange and motor.
6. Make sure the replacement cartridge corresponds to the full circulator product number. A complete parts list is available from your
local plumbing supply wholesaler.
7. Reassemble the circulator using the new gasket and bolts supplied.
8. Follow the “Installation” procedure to start up the circulator.
Mixing Return Sensor Short Circuit
A short circuit has been detected in the
mixing return sensor. If the Maximum
Delta T setting is set to OFF, the control
continues operation. If the Maximum
Delta T setting is not set to OFF, the
control stops operation until the fault is
corrected. To clear this error message,
correct the short circuit and press any
button on the control.
Mixing Return Sensor Open Circuit
An open circuit has been detected in
the mixing return sensor. If the Maxi-
mum Delta T setting is set to OFF, the
control continues operation. If the
Maximum Delta T setting is not set to
OFF, the control stops operation until
the fault is corrected. To clear this error
message, correct the open circuit and
press any button on the control.
Boiler Sensor Short Circuit
A short circuit has been detected in
the boiler sensor. The boiler contact
is operated as if a boiler sensor is not
installed. The control provides a boiler
enable and does not provide boiler
protection. To clear this error message,
correct the short circuit and press any
button on the control.
Boiler Sensor Open Circuit
An open circuit has been detected in
the boiler sensor. The boiler contact
is operated as if a boiler sensor is not
installed. The control provides a boiler
enable and does not provide boiler
protection. To clear this error message,
correct the open circuit and press any
button on the control. If the sensor was
deliberately removed, power down the
control for fi ve (5) seconds and re-
power the control.