IOM-S-Leak Defense 2211
© 2022 Sentinel Hydrosolutions, LLC
Using pages 32-37 of the Owner’s Manual section as a guide:
a. Explain the system and use the control panel to demonstrate the various Leak Defense System functions.
b. Encourage the owner to physically interact with the control panel during your demonstration. This will promote a
level of comfort and usability.
c. Clearly explain the purpose of the Leak Defense System is to detect and protect from leaks and not
to locate the source of leaks.
d. Explain that the Leak Defense System will constantly monitor water flow every day.
e. Explain the importance of using the AWAY scene
1. Explain the difference between the HOME and AWAY scene settings
2. Explain that not using the AWAY scene when the home is unoccupied limits protection to the HOME scene settings.
There are helpful videos on our website with information that might be more up to date regarding the operation of your
Leak Defense System. You can access them at www.leakdefensesystem.com/videos/
After installation, review Leak Defense System operation with the owner
Take the owner through an alarm scenario as part of the customer education and to test the alarm.