Operation & Maintenance Manual
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Technical Support
• (800) 433-5654 • Mon-Fri, 8 am - 5 pm EST
The PVI AquaSolve Anti-Scale System provides pro-
tection from scale formation on internal plumbing
surfaces. The AquaSolve system can be installed
at the point of entry to a building to treat both hot
and cold water, or it can be located directly before a
water heater, boiler, or other water using device that
requires protection from hard water.
AquaSolve prevents scale by transforming the normal
dissolved hardness minerals into undissolved crys-
tal microparticles. These crystals stay suspended in
the water and have a greatly reduced ability to react
and attach to surfaces like dissolved hardness does.
Therefore the problem of internal buildup of scale
in pipes, water heaters and on fixtures and glass is
greatly reduced.
AquaSolve is not a water softener or a chemical
additive (like antiscalants or sequestrants). It is a
scale prevention device with proven third party lab-
oratory test data and years of successful residential
and commercial installation. AquaSolve is the one
water treatment device that effectively provides scale
protection and is a great saltfree alternative to water
softening (ion exchange) or scale sequestering chem-
icals. Laundry and warewashing chemistry will like-
wise require adjustments.
AquaSolve Benefits
• Chemical-free scale prevention and protection –
converts hardness minerals to harmless, inactive
microscopic crystals making AquaSolve an effec-
tive alternative technology to a water softener for
the prevention of scale due to water hard-ness
• Virtually maintenance free – no control valve
• Uses environmentally friendly technology by
using no salt or other chemicals to constantly
add, no electricity and no wastewater
• Improves efficiency of all water using appliances
– both hot** and cold
• Simple sizing and installation – all you need to
know is pipe size and the peak flow rate
• Safe for landscaping and lawn watering, no need
for costly bypass plumbing.
• Compatible with all on-site and community
wastewater treatment systems
• Perfect system for towns or communities where
water softeners are banned or restricted
• For high-flow applications, install multiple tanks
in parallel
• AquaSolve does not remove minerals or add
sodium to the water supply
• AquaSolve can be installed as pre-treatment to
commercial reverse osmosis systems (contact
your PVI representative for further details)
**For hot water applications where feed water
temperature is 100° - 140°F (38° - 60°C), please
contact PVI Technical Support at 1-800-433-5654.
Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of
unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the
Systems are certified through WQA against NSF/
ANSI Standard 372 for Lead Free compliance.