Replacing the Media - Cont’d
24. Fill the second mineral tank with water by manually initiating
a regeneration and allowing the control valve to cycle into the
backwash position, then unplug the system. Once water flow
at the drain line is observed, fully open the inlet valve and
allow water to flow to drain for 15 minutes to flush the resin
bed of any color. If water at the drain shows any discolor-
ation, continue to flush the resin bed until water at the drain
is clear. During this flush, water is flowing through both tanks
so a separate flush for the second tank is not necessary.
25. Then plug the system into the power outlet and advance the
system to the stand by position as shown on the position
26. Fully open inlet valve. For LCTA-150 series systems open
outlet valve and close bypass valve.
27. Check for leaks and repair as required.
28. Open hot and cold side of a treated water faucet to flush any
air from the plumbing system.
1" hose
3/4" PVC