VD2: 10/14/14
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BMK1.5 LN Boiler 24-Month Maintenance Kit #58025-05 Instructions
Technical Instruction Document
AERCO International, Inc.
100 Oritani Dr.
Blauvelt, New York 10913
Phone: 800-526-0288
Figure 10: Benchmark 1.5LN Exhaust Manifold
6.2.3 Condensate Trap Component Replacement
For Benchmark 2.0 boilers, the Condensate Trap (P/N 24060) is attached to the connecting
manifold drain pipe using a special adapter (Figure 11).
The Condensate Trap should already be disconnected from the
Exhaust Manifold of the unit during the Exhaust Manifold
inspection procedure in section 6.2.1.
There are two slightly different types of Condensate Traps that
may be used in your configuration; an older style with a separate
inlet adapter, and a newer style with a built-in adapter (see Figure
10). Maintenance is the same, except that the newer style does
not need an orifice gasket (Step 5).