Operator Interfaces
Technical Guide
Unit xxx Does Not
Support The Function
Press Any Key To
If you entered the unit ID of a WMVAV controller the following screen
will be displayed.
1)Outputs Force
2)Dampers Force
Press the “1” key to access the Outputs Force screen.
Supply Fan Override
Enter Override...: 0
[0=Auto 1=ON 2=OFF]
The first Outputs Force screen allows the Supply Fan relay to be set for
Auto, ON or OFF by entering a 0, 1 or 2 as desired. The default setting
is 0=Auto. After completion of all troubleshooting or testing proce-
dures all relays should be changed back to this setting. The 1=ON set-
ting will force the relay to the ON (energized) position. The 2=OFF
selection will force the relay to the OFF (de-energized) position.
The next screen displays the Relay Overrides for Relay 2. After press-
ing the "Enter" key the next relay will be displayed. All 20 Relay Over-
ride screens (including the AHU fan relay) are available by pressing the
"Enter" key after each setting is made.
Relay Overrides
Relay 2 Override: 0
[0=Auto 1=ON 2=OFF]
After the screen for relay 20 is displayed, the first Analog Output Over-
ride screen will be displayed.
Analog Output 1 Screen
Economizer Overrides
Analog Output #1
Override Volts: -1.0
Press “Enter” and the next screen will appear for Analog Output #2.
Analog Output 2 Screen
Supply VFD Override
Analog Output #2
Override Volts: -1.0
Press “Enter” and the next screen will appear for Analog Output #3.
Analog Output 3 Screen
Relief VFD Override
Analog Output #3
Override Volts: -1.0
The default setting for normal operation is -1.0 volts. Voltages between
0 to 10.0 can be set for any of the Analog Output Overrides. Press “En-
ter” after making a setting change and the next Analog Output Override
screen will be displayed.