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Step 3: Installing the Balsa Rudder Post
Using a pair of scissors, carefully cut out the stabilizer
mounting slot, following the molded scribe line on each side
of the fuselage.
The fiberglass is lightweight, so a sharp pair of scissors
will cut through it easily and will be more accurate than using
a rotary tool with a cutting wheel.
Test-fit the 150mm long balsa rudder post into the back
of the fuselage. To align it properly, the back of the rudder
post should be flush with the back of the fuselage sides.
You will need to sand the ends of the rudder post to match
the curvature of the fuselage at both the top and the bottom.
When satisfied with the alignment, remove the rudder post and lightly sand the gluing surfaces on the inside of the
fuselage, to roughen the fiberglass.
Glue the rudder post into place using a thin layer of 5 minute epoxy. Remove any excess epoxy using a paper towel
and rubbing alcohol, and hold the rudder post in place using pieces of masking tape.
After the epoxy has set up, remove the masking tape and use a modeling knife to carefully cut away the rudder post in
the back of the stabilizer mounting slot.
Step 5: Aligning the Horizontal Stabilizer
Using a builder's triangle and a pencil, draw a centerline
mark on the top of the stabilizer, at the leading edge.
Using a ruler and a pencil, measure and draw a centerline mark on the top of the stabilizer, at the trailing edge.