WL3000 Technical Manual - May 2014
The following faults will be shown on the LCD display should that particular fault
1. CHANGE FILTER: Please contact your authorised sevice agent.
2. DRIP TRAY FULL: Empty and clean the drip tray.
3. HOT FAULT: Indicates a sensor fault. Please contact your authorised sevice agent.
4. COLD FAULT: Indicates a sensor fault. Please contact your authorised sevice
5. NO WATER SUPPLY: The pump is running for more than 5 minutes. Check the
water supply in the building. Check water supply to machine.
6. UV FAULT: Please contact your authorised sevice agent.
7. Display not working: check that the unit has been switched on. If the machine is
switched on please contact your authorised service agent.
8. Water is not chilling: Check that the green heater/ compressor switch is on.
9. Water is not heating up: Check that the green heater/ compressor switch is on.
1. No flow of water: Ensure that there is a mains water supply to the machine and
that the machine is turned on. If an anti flood device is fitted to the supply of the
machine, this should be checked to ensure that it has not activated.
2. The hot water is not hot and the cold water is not cold: Make sure that the green
heater/compressor switch at the rear of the machine is turned on.
3. There is flow for the hot water, but not for cold: This may be due to the water in
the cold tank being frozen. Disconnect the power from the machine and leave for
one hour. If the problem persists, please contact you authorised service agent.
4. Low flow of cold water: As above
5. Low flow of hot water: Indicates that the hot tank requires de-scaling. Please
contact you authorised service agent.
6. Low flow for all water circuits: It could be that your filter/filters are blocked.
Please contact you authorised service agent.Waterlogic recommends that filters are
replaced every 6 months.
7. Bad taste: This may occur if the machine is not consistently used. If bad taste
is detected, dispense 5 litres of water into a jug. If the problem persists, please
contact you authorised service agent.
Technical Specifications
and Warranties
Subject to the standard terms and conditions of sale (a copy of which has been
provided to you), neither Waterlogic International Limited (“Waterlogic”), nor any
affiliated companies shall be liable for any damage which could affect, directly or
indirectly, any person or property.
Please be aware that any warranties accompanying the sale of our products will be
invalidated by any of the following:
• Incorrect installation
• Incorrect use of the machine
• Unsuitable electrical and water supply
• Major short-coming of maintenance
• Technical interventions or alterations of an unauthorised nature
• Adoption and use of unapproved spare parts
• Engagement of untrained personnel
Waterlogic has a policy of constant and continual improvement and therefore
reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice, other than in the
case of significant changes.