Flush Cart Information
The WFI Flush Cart has been designed to effectively and effi ciently fl ush geothermal earth loops and to facilitate mixing
and injection of antifreeze. The single most important element in fl ow center pump reliability is the ability to remove all the air
from the earth loop and provide the proper working pressure.
Features of Flush Cart (part number LFC-F) include:
Cylinder: Schedule 40, 10” diameter
Pump: Myers Quick Prime 15, 1½ hp, high head, 115 volt
Hose Connections: 1½” PVC braid
Valves: 1½” high fl ow ball valves
Pump Drain: Integral petcock valve
Priming: Drilled into pump volute housing, integral petcock valve to bleed air
Tubing: 1½” Copper type L
Hand Truck: Industrial P loop handle, 600 lb. rating, fully pneumatic 10”x 3½” tires
Wiring: 15’ SJO 12 AWG with 15A male plug
Power Switch: Liquid tight metal ON/OFF switch with box, switch rated at 20A 120V
Pump Curve for Flush Cart
Caution: Use extreme care when opening, pour-
ing and mixing fl ammable antifreeze solutions.
Remote fl ames or electrical sparks can ingnite
undiluted antifreezes and vapors. Use only in a
well-ventilated area. Do not smoke when hand-
ling fl ammable antifreezes. Failure to observe
safety precautions may result in fi re, injury or