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Do not close the 2 way valve prior to opening the purge valve and do not close the purge
valve while the 2 way valve is closed or partially closed. Both valves should never be
closed or partially closed at the same time.
If the MultiCyclone is installed as a pre-filter to a sand filter, water flow to the sand filter can be
closed via the sand filter’s multiport valve.*
Installation with 2 way shut off valve Cartridge Filter
This position is
not available on 4-Way
Multiport Valves.
In situations where the water flow from the pump is not powerful enough purge the sediment
out of the sediment chamber. Waterco recommends fitting a 2 way valve after the MultiCyclone
on the pool water return line.
The 2 way valve is used to throttle the flow of water out of the MultiCyclone, increasing water
turbulence through the sediment chamber and improving its purging action.
Whilst the pump is operating, open the purge valve, and then partially close the 2 way valve,
throttling the water flow sufficiently to purge the sediment chamber of trapped sediment. Once
the sediment chamber is clean, open the 2 way valve and then close the purge valve.
To ensure the maximum life of the MultiCyclone, please follow the procedures below:
1. Visually monitor through the MultiCyclone clear sediment chamber. Clean sediment chamber
when accumulated sediment is half full.
2. Maintain a correct chemical balance of your pool / spa water. The chemical balance of water
is a relationship between its pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness and water temperature.
The water must be maintained at all times to the following:
: BETWEEN 7.2 & 7.8.
: BETWEEN 80 & 150ppm.
: BETWEEN 150 & 300ppm.
Also, within these tolerances be balanced to the Langelier Saturation Index within a range of
-0.2 to +0.2.
Testing kits are available to test the water yourself or alternately bring a sample of the
water to a professional pool and spa shop.
3. Mains water and rural water supplies need to be monitored. Saturation (life) in mains water
or bore (rural) will vary depending on water quality.
4. To prevent damage to the pump and filter and for proper operation of the system, clean
pump strainer and skimmer baskets regularly.
5. Replace the pressure gauge if faulty readings are observed.