WB • 8.913-984.0-L
3. Turn waste source off. Drain tank after evaporating
until low water shut off.
4. Remove top lid of the
and thoroughly
inspect the interior of the tank and sparger tube.
Remove any solids that may have built up on the
interior of the tank, sparger tube and air distributor.
Rinse the interior of the tank.
5. Remove the ignition plug wire from the ignition plug.
Remove the ignition plug from the burner and clean.
Inspect the ignition plug for any cracks in the insula-
tion. If cracks are found, replace the ignition plug.
6. Remove the U.V. scanner from the burner, inspect
and clean the lens.
7. Refill the
tank with water to the
minimum restart liquid level. Restart the blower and
burner and verify the air/gas ratios with manometers
for proper operation of the burner.
8. Thoroughly clean the following: 3 point level control-
ler rods, glass tube, demister screens, wastewater
filter and housing.
Semi-Annual Maintenance Procedures:
1. Turn the
water pump, burner and
blower to the off position.
2. Turn the
main power disconnect to
the off position before initiating maintenance.
3. Turn waste source off. Drain tank after evaporating
until low water shut down.
4. Remove top lid of the
and thoroughly
inspect the interior of the tank and sparger tube. Re-
move any solids that may have built up on the interior
of the tank and sparger tube. Rinse the interior of
the tank.
5. Inspect the blower for proper operation. Check the
amp draw, bearing noise and inlet screen.
6. Inspect the wastewater pump for proper operation.
Also check for possible leaks in the housing.
7. Inspect hoses for any deterioration.
8. Loosen the air/gas line unions and remove the
burner from the mounting flange. Clean the nozzle
inside the burner with a small steel brush removing
any build up that is obstructing the mixing of the air
and gas through the nozzle. Replace the burner
mounting gaskets with new gaskets each time the
burner is removed.
9. Refill the
tank with water to the
minimum restart liquid level. Restart the blower and
burner and verify air/gas ratios with manometer for
proper operation of the burner.
Water evaporation tends to concentrate non-volatile
solids in a waste stream. Thus chlorides, fluorides and
related corrosion increase as the volume of the waste
stream decreases. In order to obtain the maximum life
from the
, it is important to monitor the
chloride and fluoride content of the liquid in the evapora-
tion tank, so the waste can be purged prior to damage
by chloride or fluoride corrosion.
Clean Screen:
Shut off the wastewater valve (not included) located near
the “wastewater inlet” on the back end panel. Unscrew
the filter housing and remove the 20 mesh filter. Clean
and replace the screen. Screw the filter housing back
into place and open the wastewater valve (See figure 3).
Clean U.V. Scanner & Ignition Plug:
Once a month, the UV scanner needs to be removed and
cleaned, usually by wiping the scanner off with a cotton
swab and replacing it. Also every month remove the igni-
tion plug and clean it. Check for damage or wear.
Demister Box Screens:
Remove the screens from the demister box and clean
them off. Replace them in the demister box. Make sure
that the door is secure and the gasket is good so that
there are no leaks.
Anti-Foam Maintenance:
CAUTION: Do not attempt to feed chemicals without
consulting your chemical feeder dealer or chemical
1. Filling the Chemical Tank
To avoid running out of chemical, follow a regular
schedule of monitoring the chemical supply. Also
inspect and clean the strainer by flushing with a
compatible liquid, as needed.
2. Tubing Inspection
Inspect all tubing regularly and replace it if deteriorat-
ing. Follow the instructions with figure 10 to replace
the pump head tubing.
3. Feeding Adjustment
The feed adjustment is under the front cover. Re-
move the cover and turn the screw clockwise to
increase the feed or counterclockwise to decrease
the feed. Replace the enclosure cap after making
the adjustment.
NOTE: Always start with the lowest
feed rate. (See figure 10). Lower feed rate pumps
are available.