WAA-232-485 Converter Operation Manual
3 5 1 F E R R I E R S T R E E T • M A R K H A M , O N • L 3 R 5 Z 2
P H O N E : 4 1 6 - 4 1 0 - 6 8 6 5 / T O L L F R E E : 1 - 8 6 6 - 3 3 1 - 3 3 4 1 • F A X : 9 0 5 - 7 5 2 - 0 1 8 6
W W W . W A T C H N E T A C C E S S . C O M / I N F O @ W A T C H N E T D V R . C O M
System Features
1. WAA-232-485 is converts the RS485 data format to RS232. It is essential for
exchanging data between the PC and the controllers.
2. The WAA-232-485 is powered up through a USB port, for easy connection.
3. 1 set of WAA-232-485 can be used to support 32 -128 controllers networked at
the same time.
Note: Do not use the same source of power supply for the WAA-232-485 and the
electrical door lock to avoid electrical sparkle interference.
Technical Specifications
Speed: 0-115200bps
Transmitting range: 1200m.
Support 1 to 127 nodes.
Power: 7-12AC/DC
Operating Current: 200mA
Operating temperature: -40
~ +70
Humidity: 5%~95%
Size: 63mm x 93mm x 20mm
3 LEDs to display the status.
Thunder Protection.
Pin definitions