The Red Light
If the detector is set to 2 pulse counts (most sensitive) then the red light will flash if
there are 2 green flashes within 10 seconds. If the detector is set to 3 pulse counts
(least sensitive) then the red light will flash if there are 3 green flashes within 10
The red light turning on indicates that the detector has sensed valid
and that the alarm code signal has been sent to the main unit.
3.8.2. Intelligent Power Saving and Normal Operation
This detector has Intelligent Power Saving (IPS). This means that in normal operation
or normal mode the red light will indicate valid movement detection but the green
light will not turn on at all.
Lights will not flash every time you move in front of the
When the red light flashes on for 1 second, this means that the detector has
picked up and validated body movement (or an intruder). The detector will now go
into IPS mode for approximately 3 minutes. During this time the detector will not
trigger and no lights will turn on. After this 3 minutes of IPS the detector will again be
ready to sense for any movement in the room. If the detector detects another valid
body movement anytime after the 3 minutes of IPS then it will go back into IPS mode
again for 3 minutes and so on. There is no need for the detector to trigger more than
once every 3 minutes as your alarm system should be set to sound your siren for 5
minutes after being triggered.
In summary, the detector will only trigger and flash the red light once every 3
minutes in its normal operation to save battery life. The green light will stay off
and only operate when the detector is put into test mode.
3.8.3. Adjusting the sensitivity
Pulse count jumper
Least sensitive – 3 pulse counts
Most sensitive – 2 pulse counts
The sensitivity of the detector can be changed by either
removing the ‘Pulse Count Select’ jumper or by placing
it across both pins. When the jumper is placed across
both pins (default), then the detector is set to 3 pulse
counts (least sensitive). When the jumper is removed or
only attached to 1 of the pins, then the detector is set to
2 pulse counts (most sensitive).
Once you have set the jumper, you must press the
tamper switch in for 1 second then release it for the
setting to become active. Now you can place the front
cover back on the detector.