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For customer support, or to place an order, call Spectrum 
Technologies at (800)248-8873 or (815)436-4440 between 
7:30 am and 5:30 p.m. CST, FAX at (815)436-4460, or E-mail 
at [email protected]


Spectrum Technologies, Inc  

12360 S Industrial Dr. East  

Plainfield, IL 60585 

Model Specifications 

Docking Station 

SpecWare Software 

Trouble Shooting 


CE Declaration of Conformity 

Downloading the Loggers 

Use either the WatchDog Manager or the “Get data from 
an Original WatchDog logger, Shuttl” toolbar 
button to save the logger data.  When the 
download is complete , a dialog box will appear 
indicating the readout and translation complete.  
All new loggers require you to create a new 
Logger Location the first time the logger is read out. 


Until the logger is relaunched, the data 

remains on the logger and can be downloaded again.  
Once data has been downloaded, you must relaunch 
the logger to continue making measurements.  Clicking 


in the “Launch Options” screen erases any 

previously recorded data from the logger 

Trouble Shooting 

Commonly asked questions include: 

Q. Why does my button display the following message 

“Unable to connect one wire exception 1-wire not 

A. Owapi.dll needs to be registered, go to Windows 

S t a r t ,   R u n   a n d   t y p e   “ R e g s v r 3 2 
C:WINDOWSsystem32owapi.dll then click OK.  

Q. What does it mean if I received the following mes-

sage “Unable to access the button logger interface.  
This is probably due to Java not being installed on 
this computer?”  

A. You need to check your C:\SpecWare folder for 

msjavx86.exe and double click it to run it.  If it is not 
there then you need to install the Java Library from 
our website,  Go to Features, 
Tech Support, Software Updates, Spec 7 Pro and 
Basic Updates and  download the Java Library Build 
