Power Alert Installation
The P120 (120VAC) model includes a pro-
tective housing for the sensor relay.
Once fed through the gland, the power cord
must be connected to the sensor relay.
Open the protective housing (using a Phil-
lips screwdriver, not included).
Plug the two power wires onto the A and B
spades on the relay.
Place the relay into the pro-
tective housing. Reassemble
the protective housing using
the 4 screws.
Feed the power cord through the gland.
Plug the sensor cord into the
sensor port. Adjust the relay/
housing to fit in the case. Tighten
the gland nut. Close the case.
Plug (P120) or wire (P24, P12)
the power cord into the circuit
you want to monitor. For setup
limit, set the voltage limit to alert
below 1 Volt.
Sensor Port
Insert Relay/Housing Here