A U bolt is included with each Alert. Using the U bolt , attach it to the
handle of the case. The case can then be attached to a pole.
In frost alert mode (Item 3452 or
3453), the Cellular Alert should be
installed in the area that is most
likely to have the first frost. The
temperature sensor should be at
least three inches from the ground
for an accurate temperature.
In humidity mode (Item 3452H or
3453H), the sensor should be
placed in an area that gives a repre-
sentative reading. The sensor and
radiation shield should also be at-
tached to the pole using the bracket
In water mode (Item 3452W or
3453W), the sensor should be
placed in a furrow. Take care that
the sensor grid is not touching the soil. Contact with damp soil could
trigger the alert condition.
If the signal strength is weak, then it might be necessary to mount
the antenna higher. Remove the antenna from the case, and discon-
nect the antenna cable from the modem. From outside the case,
insert the antenna cable through the bottom gland (alongside the
sensor cable). Connect the cable to the modem and tighten the
gland. The antenna is water resistant but not waterproof. A suggest-
ed installation technique would be to attach the antenna inside of a
PVC pipe with a capped top. Mounting the antenna to a metal pole
can cause interference, degrading your cellular connection.