Safety guidelines
Always keep the two silicone components separated – never mix up the
connections! The mixing of components would cause the silicone within the
device to harden, making extensive repairs of the device in the Hamburg plant
Drill a ventilation hole using a drill or similar tool at the upper side edge of the 1
litre bottle or 6 kg or 25 kg can. Do not tighten the caps of the 2 litre material
containers, but just fit them loosely to ensure proper ventilation.
After hardening and before further usage, fit a new mixing cannula.
WARNING: Never use with a hardened mixing cannula!
Note that while using bulk containers, the cans must be positioned at a height
higher than the device. Optional pad stands are available on request.
Leave about 2-3 cm minimal filling inside the containers to avoid air to get into
the system and the need for demanding bleeding of the device.
Mixing and dosing of addition-vulcanazing 1:1 two component silicones. For even dosage
of both components, both must have similar viscosity.
Only use the device for this type of application.