Libelium’s library
8. Libelium’s library
It is mandatory to include the RFID library when using this module. The following line must be introduced at the beginning of
the code:
#include <WaspRFID13.h>
Waspmote’s API RFID/NFC files:
API functions
Private functions:
The following functions are executed inside the API functions. In normal conditions, the user must NOT manage or use
Brief description
bool configureSAM(void);
set internal parameters of the PN532
sendTX(uint8_t *dataTX, uint8_t length, uint8_t outLength);
Send data stored in dataTX
Wait for ACK response
Wait the response of the module
getData(uint8_t outLength);
Get data from the module
checkSum(uint8_t *dataTX);
Calculates the checksum
uint8_t lengthCheckSum(uint8_t *dataTX);
Calculates the length checksum
To avoid the hang of the module this function will wait for 5 seconds approximately. If no tag is detected, the program will continue
after this time. The waiting time can be configured in the library.