UF-Nano Qu ck Start Gu de
Nano G
Wall Mount Bracket
Screws (Qty. 4)
Screw Anchors (Qty. 4)
G gab t PoE (24V, 0.3A) w th
Mount Bracket
Power Cord
Package Contents
System Requ rements
L nux, Mac OS X, or M crosoft W ndows 7/8/10
Web Browser: Google Chrome (Other browsers may have l m ted funct onal ty)
Before You Beg n
Des gn ng your f rst GPON deployment requ res spec f c knowledge and plann ng. For
nformat on on GPON network des gn and nstallat on, nclud ng mportant
cons derat ons and best pract ces, refer to:
ubnt.l nk/UF ber-GPON-Gett ng-Started
ubnt.l nk/Des gn ng-a-GPON-Network
For deta ls on conf gur ng UF ber dev ces for the f rst t me to allow ONU LAN ports to
prov de connect v ty, refer to:
ubnt.l nk/UF ber-In t al-Conf gurat on
Hardware Overv ew
UF-Nano Qu ck Start Gu de
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