Operating Manual Wärtsilä JOVYLINE 625/1200/2200 BAX 3522 E page 13
6. Alarms
Battery operation (back up)
(slow alarm sound)
If the battery gets discharged during mains failure the yellow LED at the front side of the
UPS lightens up and an acoustic alarm is generated. The alarm extinguishes
independently when mains is returning.
Low battery voltage (low battery)
(quick alarm sound)
Within battery operation mode the alarm sound gets quicker with increasing battery
discharging. The quick alarm sound signals that the battery is nearly discharged and that
there are only fractions of the original autonomy time available.
The alarm extinguishes independently when mains is returning.
(permanent alarm sound)
In case of overload the acoustical alarm turns to a permanent alarm sound. In that case
you have to remove parts of the load or replace the UPS by a bigger one. Even consumers
with a high peak current absorption such as laser printer, plotter or faxes lead to an
overload of the UPS. Therefore it’s advisable to connect no such devices to the UPS.
Replacing battery
(permanent alarm sound)
If the batteries are used up, the alarm sound turns to a permanent alarm sound. The LED
„Change battery“ at the front panel lightens up. Have a look at chapter 9 before replacing
the batteries or dial our service hotline.
7. Software options
7. 1 Power Monitoring Software
The UPSMON software is prepared for the standard RS 232 interface to indicate the
operation states and alarms of the UPS on the PC. UPSMON indicates every relevant
values such as voltage, frequency, current, battery-state etc. on the monitor. The software
is suitable for DOS, Windows 3.1x, Windows 95, Windows NT V3.5 or later on Novell
NetWare and others.
The software is a free add, but there is no support. If necessary, the JUMP software can
be purchased from Jovyatlas.