3.4.7 Log
Log > Local Configuration (not available for MAC users)
Enter "Local Configuration". You
can set the save path for videos and
pictures on your PC as well as the
recording duration. Reminders:
1: When using IE9 or higher,
please run the browser video path
and picture path as "administrator"
so that you can save the files
successfully. The default video
path is "HYRec" on disk C. The
default picture path is “HYSnap”
on disk C. 2: The user can start up
the Motion Detection Alarm and
view the flashing box on the screen.
4. Manage Camera with other Apps and Software
Add Camera to iSpy Connect
1.Add IP Camera
2.In the Video Source mask, select the FFMPEG(H2.264) tab
3.In the URL field type: rtsp://user:password@IP:port/live/ch0 or ch1 or ch2
4.RTSP Mode: select TCP
6.Click OK
7.In the following mask, click finish
8.The camera is online
User: your user
Password: your password
IP: your camera’s IP (get it from the app)
Port: your camera’s port (get it from the app