When configure, please make sure the mobile phone is close to the camera.
Immediately after setup go to:
1)Advanced Setting > User Management to change User and Password
2)Advanced Setting > About camera and take note of the camera’s IP and camera’s Port
ATTENTION: Anytime you reboot the camera or there is a power cut, the setup procedure needs to be
repeated again and the camera’s IP address changes. To avoid repeating the setup procedure, input your
camera’s IP and port in the router settings page > advanced settings > port forwarding.
Port Forwarding is necessary also for accessing the camera from any Computer outside the
network where the camera is installed (see more on Chapter 3).
2.2 Live Streaming
Each camera can be accessed by up to 4 users at the same time. The administrator can setup 3
different level of access: administrator, operator and viewer.
Viewing Camera on a Single Window
Tap cameras to view the live videos by added cameras