IP-Watcher 2x2 Digital PoE
1. Introduction
The IP Watcher from W&T uses cyclical polling to monitor
network components. If a device no longer responds, this
status can be reported by triggering local or remote alarms.
Local alarms indicate non-response by switching a connected
consumer on one of the two digital outputs. A remote alarm is
set for example by email, FTP, SNMP or Syslog over a TCP/IP
An individual acknowledgement can be configured for all
alarms. This is done either by wiring one of the digital inputs
on the device (hardware acknowledgement) and/or sending an
acknowledgement command via TCP/IP from the controller side
t o t h e I P W a t c h e r ( s o f t w a r e a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t ) . A n
acknowledgement ensures proper detection and handling of an
alarm situation by an operator.
An integrated Web server provides configuration pages for
setting the device parameters. Browser-based software is used
to operate and monitor the alarms, and can also be loaded from
the Web server of the IP Watcher into any browser. This software
is self-refreshing and indicates the status of the activated
alarms while offering the possibility of acknowledging pending
Power can be supplied either via Power over Ethernet through
the network or from an external power supply.
The properties of the IP Watcher make it ideal for stand-alone
monitoring tasks. Switching an output when there is an alarm
can generate a local response, for example turning on a rotating
flashing beacon. An alarm sent over a network quickly reaches
even distant personal and prompts them to act. Network
alarming allows the use of an existing network infrastructure
and thereby makes it possible to send messages individually
and without additional cabling. Thanks to the built-in, browser-
based software, operation and monitoring are possible not only
in the Intranet, but also worldwide over the Internet.