Rev. 1.1
Assembly Instructions - Full-Jet Valve VMS-05
Page 14 of 25
Walther Systemtechnik GmbH
– D 76726 Germersheim
Telefon: +49 (0)7274-7022-0 Telefax: +49 (0)7274-7022-91
8.4 Replacing the Sealing Bushing
Standard Sealing Bushing (6)
Unscrew screws (14) and remove valve from device body (13). Completely unscrew needle lock (pos. 10, 11
or 12) and nozzle (pos. 1). Carefully push out the needle (pos. 8) towards the nozzle end. Then unscrew the
sealing sleeve (pos. 6.0.0) from the thread with a screwdriver. Since the outer O-ring (pos. 5.3) prevents the
sealing sleeve from falling through the mounting thread of the valve body (pos. 3), it is necessary to push the
sealing sleeve together with O-ring (pos. 5.3) carefully backwards through the thread using a thin strip of
metal (0.5
– 1.0 mm) which you push between the recess in the body and flat in front of the front end of the
sealing sleeve. You can then take the sealing sleeve out of the enclosure.
Special Design Sealing Bushing (6.00)
Completely unscrew raster-needle lock (pos. 9.02) and nozzle (pos. 2.10). Carefully push out the needle
(pos. 7.10) towards the nozzle end. Then unscrew the sealing sleeve (pos. 6.00) from the thread with a
screwdriver. Since the outer O-ring (pos. 5.30) prevents the sealing sleeve from falling through the mounting
thread of the valve body (pos. 4.10), it is necessary to push the sealing sleeve together with O-ring (pos.
5.30) carefully backwards through the thread using a thin strip of metal (0.5
– 1.0 mm) which you push
between the recess in the body and flat in front of the front end of the sealing sleeve. You can then take the
sealing sleeve out of the enclosure.
8.5 Inserting Sealings and O-Rings
Gaskets and gasket holders can be damaged.
Do not use any sharp or pointed metallic implements for inserting the sealings!
If a complete packing sleeve (pos. 6) is not available as a replacement, the old gaskets must be removed
and replaced with new ones. In order to do so, the sealing sleeve must be thoroughly cleaned so that no
particles of the previous spraying fluid impair the installation of the new gaskets. The O-ring seats should be
lightly greased with a lubricant (technical Vaseline). First insert O-ring (pos. 6.2) into the rear hole of the
sealing sleeve until it reaches the end. Then insert O-ring (pos. 5.3) into the outer groove. Insert the special
form gasket (pos. 5.1) into the front seat. Since this form gasket is not symmetrical, the side with the larger
boring must be inserted facing forwards, i.e. it must point in the direction of the nozzle after the complete
sealing sleeve has been installed. Lightly grease the sealing sleeve (pos. 6) and insert it back into the valve
body (pos. 3). Use a screwdriver to carefully push it through the mounting thread together with the outer O-
ring (pos. 5.3) without twisting it. Then screw the sealing sleeve into the thread (gently tighten).
Do not use any metallic or sharp-edged aids or tools when you insert the O-rings and the form gasket. De-
spite all its outstanding sealing qualities, the form gasket is a sensitive precision component, which cannot
tolerate impacts or pressure.
Special Design
If a complete packing sleeve (pos. 6.00) with integrated material sealing set (5.00) is not available as a re-
placement, the old gaskets must be removed and replaced with new ones. In order to do so, the sealing
sleeve must be thoroughly cleaned so that no particles of the previous spraying fluid impair the installation of
the new gaskets. The O-ring seats should be lightly greased with a lubricant (technical Vaseline). First insert
O-ring (pos. 6.20) into the rear hole of the packing sleeve until it reaches the end. Then insert O-ring (pos.
5.30) into the outer groove. Insert the special form gasket (pos. 5.50) into the front seat. Since this form gas-
ket is not symmetrical, the side with the larger boring must be inserted facing forwards, i.e. it must point in
the direction of the nozzle after the complete packing sleeve has been installed. Lightly grease the sealing
sleeve (pos. 6.00) and insert it back into the valve body (pos. 4.10). Use a screwdriver to carefully push it
through the mounting thread together with the outer O-ring (pos. 5.3.0) without twisting it. Then screw the
sealing sleeve into the thread (gently tighten).
Do not use any metallic or sharp-edged aids or tools when you insert the O-rings and the special form
gasket. Despite all its outstanding sealing qualities, the special form gasket is a sensitive precision
component, which cannot tolerate impacts or pressure.