wallbe GmbH – Paderborner Str. 76 – 33189 Schlangen
Tel: +49 5252 989440 Mail: [email protected]
7.0 Usage of your wallbe Pro
Every wallbe Pro comes with a custom authorization mechanism.
Please follow the instructions and recommendations according to your wallbe Pro model.
7.1.1 Authorization via ON/OFF button
Connect the tethered charging cable of your wallbe Pro to your EV.
If you own a wallbe Pro with a Type 2 socket, connect your charging cable to the
wallbe Pro and then to your EV.
Press your wallbe Pro´s ON/OFF button.
Your wallbe Pro is ready and charging as long as the ON/OFF button glows.
Press the ON/OFF button again to terminate the charging Process.
Please remove the charging cable from your vehicle.**
*(You are free to authorize the charging Process beforehand.)
**(In some cases you have to unlock the charging cable on your vehicle using the EVs
remote control.)
7.1.2 Authorization via key switch
Connect the tethered charging cable of your wallbe Pro to your EV.
If you own a wallbe Pro with a Type 2 socket, connect your charging cable to the
wallbe Pro and then to your EV
Please activate your wallbe Pro´s keyswitch using the Provided keys.
Position 1 enables the charging Process using the Type 2 socket
Position 2 enables the charging Process using the Schuko-socket.
Position 0 terminates the charging Process.
Please remove the charging cable from your vehicle.**
*(You are free to authorize the charging Process beforehand.)
**( In some cases you have to unlock the charging cable on your vehicle using the EVs
remote control.)
You are free to remove the key during the charging Process, enabling a permanent
authorization of your wallbe.