!!aTTenTIon: IMPorTanT unPaCKInG InsTruCTIons.
Please reaD BeFore unPaCKInG Your FolDInG TreaDMIll!!
serious injury could occur if this folding treadmill is not unpacked properly.
There is a Velcro strap installed around the treadmill base that prevents the treadmill from unfolding
accidentally during shipping. If this strap is not removed properly the treadmill could spring open
unexpectedly and cause injury if someone is standing near the treadmill when the strap is removed.
To ensure your personal safety during removal of the shipping strap please make sure the treadmill is
positioned flat on the ground, in the orientation it would be in if you were using the treadmill. Do not turn
the treadmill up on its side while removing the shipping strap. This could cause the treadmill’s folding
mechanism to spring open. If the end of the Velcro strap (that you need to grab to remove it) happens to be
under the treadmill deck, reach under the deck to grab it, but do not tilt the treadmill up to gain access to
the strap end.
Cut the banding straps with a short box cutter (razor knife); separate the carton from the one underneath it
by prying up on the staples (if applicable). Pull the carton over the treadmill parts and locate the hardware
pack. The hardware pack is separated into five sections; one section containing tools and four sections
labeled steps 1-4 which contain the hardware needed for assembly of each step. The assembly steps
below are numbered one through four and correspond to the hardware in the numbered sections of the
hardware pack. remove only the hardware for the step you are currently assembling to avoid confusion
and mix ups.
Then remove the treadmill from the carton and lay it on a level surface.
asseMBlY TOOls
#142. M5 allen wrench
#141. l allen wrench
#139. Phillips Head screw Driver
#140. wrench