Function Description
787-1668 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.1.0
Pos : 61 /Serie 787 (EPSITRON)/F unkti ons besc hrei bung/Kommuni kati on S1/ S2 787-166x @ 13\ mod_1346932353562_21. doc x @ 102430 @ 2 @ 1
Functioning of Communication between Control
Input S1 and Signal Output S2
The 787-1668 electronic circuit breaker can be remotely controlled via control
input S1 when it is linked to a higher-order control system. The operating statuses
can also be read out at the same time via signal output S2.
Figure 21: Example of a pulse pattern at control input S1 and signal output S2.
The PLC transmits a coded pulse pattern to control input S1. The coding is
given in the table "Bit allocation for control input S1". In this case, Bit 10
determines whether output channels are to actually be activated or de-
The circuit breaker synchronizes itself automatically. The current status of
all output channels is transmitted back simultaneously via signal output S2.
The transmitted data is not sent as Manchester code, but as binary encoded.
The PLC should be programmed such that it applies the current status each
time shortly after any edge slope change to avoid any erroneous signaling or
If there is an overload (over-current) at an output, the circuit breaker will
generate a cyclic pulse at signal output S2. This pulse consists of a 500ms
high signal that is transmitted every three seconds. This pulse continues to
be transmitted until the PLC queries the current status.
Figure 22: Cyclic over-current pulse.
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