Function Description
753-646 KNX/EIB/TP1 Module
Version 1.2.0
Note the different operation modes!
If one or more KNX/EIB/TP1 modules, 753-646, are operated on a KNX IP
controller, it will work in device mode. The first module inserted, however, will be
automatically operated in router mode. If the KNX module is operated with a
different WAGO controller, the module will always be in device mode.
First KNX module at KNX IP Controller 750-889 works in router mode!
If any controller is exchanged with a KNX IP controller 750-889, the first KNX
module inserted will automatically enter the router mode. It will be impossible to
access the module from the IEC application.
Router function can be deactivated in the Web-Based Management system!
The router function is enabled by default. However, you have the option of
disabling the router function in the web based management system on the “KNX”
page. In this case, all connected KNX modules including the first one are
operated in device mode.
In operating mode loss of telegrams is possible!
Configuration performed with WAGO-I/O-
in operating mode can lead to
the loss of telegrams.
Further information
To install the KNX bus module at a programmable fieldbus controller, you will
need the WAGO-I/O-
software in order to program the function blocks. In
addition, the engineering tool software (ETS) with the WAGO product database,
which includes the WAGO ETS Plug-in, is also required to configure the bus
• You can find the function blocks used in WAGO-I/O-
to realize the IEC-
KNX communication, the WAGO-ETS Plug-in, and general instructions for use
• The documentation for the WAGO-ETS Plug-in is available at our website
• ETS can be downloaded via the internet from the “KNX Association” at