Function Description
753-646 KNX/EIB/TP1 Module
Version 1.2.0
Installation Notes
KNX plug only for use with KNX/EIB/TP1 module 753-646!
The KNX plug is intended exclusively for the KNX/EIB/TP1 module 753-646,
because the plug is bridged between the two KNX bus conductors “+” and the
two KNX conductors “-“. If the plug is operated at a different module, a short-
circuit may occur.
Table 12: Internal Bridge in Plug
No Description
+ KNX bus
Plug internally
- KNX bus
KNX module is bridged internally!
The plug of the KNX module is bridged internally, because the bus conductors
may not be interrupted when the wiring of a module has been disconnected.
Use internal system supply module for supply of further modules!
The bus module is supplied via the module bus with the necessary operating
voltage and does not have power contacts for the reception and transmission of
FE (functional earth/screen). If an additional 24 V supply voltage or FE is
required for other bus modules, an internal system supply module must be
connected on the line side of the next module.
Use separate KNX supply module!
The KNX module does not have its own KNX supply module. Hence, the
connection of a separate KNX supply module is required.