Thank you for purchasing the Power Dome 200W Compact Generator by Wagan Tech. With
minimal care and proper treatment it, will provide years of reliable use.
Important Information
Before power dome use, read and understand all warnings, cautions, and notes included in
this manual. It is important to also follow instructions provided by your vehicle manufacturer
and manufacturer of other devices intended to be used with this unit. Keep these instructions for
future reference.
Make sure the power dome is fully charged before first use.
Major Features:
• 600 Amp Jumpstarter with heavy duty cable and clamps
• 260 PSI High Flow Air Compressor for inflating tires and accessories
• Easy-read analog Pressure Gauge
• 200 Watt Power Inverter (400 watts peak)
• Two outlets 115 Volts AC
• Two 12 Volt Accessory Outlets for powering DC appliances (loads up to 11 Amps)
• 1 USB power port
• Bright LED Area light
• AC Recharging Adapter
• DC Recharging Adapter (fused)
• Easy-read analog voltmeter for checking battery status
• Jumpstart cable polarity indicator for safety
Battery Status
Battery Status provides the user with a current state of charge on the internal battery. It is the
user’s responsibility to periodically monitor the battery charge and to recharge the battery
after each use. Recharge every three months even if the Power Dome has not been used.
1. Press and hold the BATTERY STATUS button
2. The Battery Status Meter (DC Voltmeter) will display the battery voltage
3. Battery status (voltage) is read with charging adapters disconnected
• ≥12.6V DC: battery is ready for use
• ≤12.0V DC: battery needs some charging
• <10.5V DC: battery is discharged, charge immediately
Air Compressor Switch
Air Pressure Indicator
Charging Jack
12V DC
Utility Light Switch
Inverter Switch
Jumper Safety Switch
Charge Level
Charge Level
Indicator button
12V DC
Utility Light (5 LED)
AC Outlet
USB Power Port
25 Amp
External Fuse
AC Outlet
Air Hose
Power Dome
200 by Wagan Tech
© 2010 Wagan Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.
Wagan and wagan.com are trademarks used by Wagan Corporation.
User’s Manual—Read before using this equipment