VAS 6380B / VAS 6381B
Initial start-up
5. Then follow the instructions in the display and provided here:
to confirm.
The maximum refrigerant quantity which can be added appears in
the display.
Enter the required amount and press
to confirm.
The internal refrigerant container is filled.
When the filling process is finished, this will be confirmed by an
acoustic signal.
Close the valves and press
to confirm.
6. After filling, the quantity of refrigerant in the internal container is dis-
played. Press
to exit the menu.
again to access the standby menu.
The device is now ready for operation.
C o n ne c t t h e H P h o s e
t o th e e x t e r n a l t a n k
t h e n o p e n t h e v a l v e
E N T ER - O K S T O P - E X I T
S e t t h e q u a n t i t y ,
t h e n c o n f i r m
g .
E N T ER - O K S T O P - E X I T
WaecoVAS6380B-6381B_OPM_4445101232_EMEA(de-en-es-fr-ru)_202x-xx-xx.book Seite 91 Montag, 2. November 2020 1:46 13