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4. Now, without applying pressure to the pen tip, press the side switch; the status LED should again
change from orange to green.
5. Turn the pen over; the status LED should change from orange to green when the eraser enters
If any of the above tests failed, you may have a defective pen or tablet. See
Resolving software conflicts
If the WACOM tablet icon appears with a red X through it when starting your computer, the WACOM tablet
driver failed to load properly. Follow the steps below to locate a possible software conflict.
1. From the System Folder, open the Control Panels folder.
2. Double-click the PenPartner icon. If the PenPartner control panel opens, the software driver loaded
properly. However, if you see the error message “The control panel cannot run because the tablet
driver is not loaded,” the tablet driver is not loading into memory at startup. The most likely cause is a
conflict between the WACOM tablet driver and another driver or extension in your Control Panels or
Extensions folder.