During the arm lifting phase, incline the shovel slightly forward and try to hold it as horizontal as
possible to prevent loss of the load
(machine without lifting control valve, self-levelling).
With the shovel in high position, move near to
the vehicle to be loaded and turn the shovel
forwards to carry out complete unloading. If
the shovel should not empty completely, open
and close the shovel alternately to help the
material to escape.
The machine is equipped with a
floating valve,
renders the lifting arms
. This
function is very important for levelling the ground
as the arms and the bucket always follow the
course of the ground and, with repeated op-
erations, it is possible flatten and level material
of the desired thickness parallel to the ground.
Raise the lifting arms inclining the shovel forward until obtaining an angle of 45° between the base
of the shovel and the ground. The end of the shovel must be positioned above or in front of the
accumulation to be flattened, at the desired height.
Press the switch
(Fig.1 - ref. 5)
positioned on the right dashboard to activate the arms fluctuation