When you receive a voicemail, a red light will flash on the top right of your desk phone. There are two ways
to check your voicemail:
* Voicemail must initially be set up on your phone and you will need to change your pin number.
- Phone Key
1. Select the envelope “mail” key on your desk phone (left of the number keys)
2. Enter your pin number
- Dial In
1. Dial *15
2. Enter your pin number
To check your voicemail when you are away from your desk, on any phone:
1. Dial 419-942-MAIL (6245) and follow the prompts:
2. Dial the number you want to check the voicemail for
3. Enter your pin number
Voicemail | Greeting
To set up your voicemail greeting, follow these steps:
1. On your desk phone, dial *15
2. Dial your pin number
3. Dial 3
4. Follow the prompts to record your voicemail greeting
Voicemail greetings can also be setup and changed in the CommPortal. See the
Voicemail | Greeting
in the CommPortal section.
Voicemail to Email
Voicemail messages can be sent to an email address as a .wav file. To set this up, see the
Voicemail |
Message to Email
topic in the CommPortal section.
A notification of a voicemail may also be sent to your email. To set this up, see the
Voicemail | Email
in the CommPortal section.