If users have to centrifuge hazardous materials or compounds contaminated with toxic, radioactive or pathogenic
micro-organisms, they must take appropriate measures.
For hazardous substances centrifuge containers with special screw caps must strictly be used. In addition to the
screw cap centrifuge containers, for materials in hazard category 3 and 4 a biosafety system must be used (see
the World Health Organisation’s “Laboratory Biosafety Manual”).
In a biosafety system, droplets and aerosols are prevented from escaping by a bioseal (packing ring).
If the hanger of a biosafety system is used without the lid, the packing ring must be removed from the hanger in
order to prevent the packing ring from being damaged during the centrifugation run. Damaged packing rings must
not be used to seal the biosafety system.
Without the use of a biosafety system the centrifuge is not microbiologically sealed in the sense of the
EN / IEC 610101-2-020 standard.
When closing a biosafety system, please observe the instructions provided in the chapter, "Closing Biosafety
For further details of available biosafety systems see chapter "Anhang/Appendix, Rotoren und Zubehör/Rotors
and accessories". If in doubt, you should obtain relevant information from the manufacturer.
The centrifuge must not be operated with highly corrosive substances which could impair the mechanical integrity
of rotors, hangers and accessories.
Repairs must only be carried out by personnel authorised to do so by the manufacturer.
Only original spare parts and original accessories licensed by the manufacturer are allowed to be utilised.
The following safety regulations apply:
EN / IEC 61010-1 and EN / IEC 61010-2-020 as well as their national deviations.
The safe operation and reliability of the centrifuge can only be guaranteed if:
the centrifuge is operated in accordance with the operating instructions,
the electrical installation on the site where the centrifuge is installed conforms to the demands of EN / IEC
the tests for device safety required in the respective countries, e.g. in Germany in acc. with BGV A1 and BGR
500, are carried out by an expert.