Vulcan Raven
Manual V2.0
Frame Centre Plates
Start by fitting two 25mm grommets and attaching 30mm aluminium standoff pillars using
10mm M3 bolts to the lower frame plate (see FIG 3 below). Note the 4 marked pillars are
fitted with an M3 16mm threaded studs that will go up through the top frame plate. Use
thread lock on the bolts holding the pillars.
Before fitting your power distribution board (PDB), ESCs and other internal electronics
to the frame plate, now is a good time to fit retract mechanisms if you are using them.
The Raven lower frame plate is pre drilled for different retracts including FoxTech and
Secraft. These are attached with M3 bolts to the lower frame plate at the sides. Which
holes to use should be clear when looking at your retracts.
Once the retracts are fitted it is time to fit internal electronics and power systems. As
people use different internal electronics and components, this manual does not cover
this part of the build process specifically, but as a guide see FIG 4 below.
As a general rule it is good practice to protect all internal wiring against wear or dam-
age. There are different ways of doing this, heat shrink and / or braiding are both good
options. It is very important that when you assemble your frame no wires are trapped,
and that all wires are properly secured and cannot move. As this is a folding frame, it is
also very important to check how the wires are affected by movement of the arm, and to
ensure that no wires are rubbed, pulled or trapped during the folding process.
A bit of careful thought and forward planning about where to run wires, how to
keep them in place during use, and where to run them up onto the top plate (or out un-
derneath) to best fit the installation of other components, can save a lot of time later.