Vulcan Raven
Manual V2.0
Standoff Plate
We would recommend fitting your flight controller and other elctronics to the aircraft
before fitting the standoff plate, as access will be eaiser. When this is complete, fit
the main standoff plate using 8mm M3 bolts into the pillars already fitted to the top
plate. 16mm studs will need to be used for the two pillars that are under the GPS
puck holder. The GPS puck holder sits on 90mm or two 60mm pillars (joined with
16mm studs subject to clearance required). See FIG 12 below. These pillars can be
extended as necessary with further studs and pillars.
Once arms are fitted, fit the safety latches. These are M3 8mm bolts with nylock
nuts that fit the hole in the carbon slices in the lower frame plate. See FIG 6b above
marked in yellow. You can also see the underside of one of these at the lower right
side of FIG 11 above. To open and close the arm when these are fitted, gently bend
the frame section downwards and rotate the arm over the bolt head.
FIG 12